WCEF Elects New Officers, Publishes FY2023 Annual Report

WCEF is pleased to provide an update to our community on the investments made to our schools during FY2023 and to announce our newly elected Board Officers and members who will lead the organization into the future. Veteran members recently elected as officers include Chair Brian Teague, Vice Chair Eric Skeffington and Treasurer Maria Zeqo; new members to the WCEF Board include local community members and Woburn Public Schools alumni Jim Juliano, Dat Le, Krista Pires and Ernie Wells.

In welcoming this next generation of leaders, it is with great pride that we acknowledge the contributions of our founding board. Their volunteer service has been instrumental in the formation, growth and amazing impact WCEF has had in our public schools since we first came together in 2014. We are proud to distinguish these founders as Board Members Emeritus, to acknowledge their work to create a strong, stable foundation that is the bedrock of WCEF. Recently named Emeritus Members include Robert E. Maguire, Mike Martini, Rick Metters, Joanne Mulkerin and Don Queenin.

WCEF recently released our FY2023 Annual Report, which highlights our investments in our schools during the past year, and acknowledges the diverse pool of local donors who contributed to this success. It can be viewed online at https://woburnedfoundation.org/about/

Moving ahead, we will continue to carry out our mission to raise funds for the Woburn Public Schools, and to invest in projects that support the success of our educators and their students. In 2024 the community can look forward to our Winter Raffle, the 3rd Annual Woburn Hall of Fame installation event, and other opportunities to contribute to the educational experience of today’s students.

Pictured: Joe Crowley, WCEF’s Founding Board Chair, passes the ceremonial gavel to newly elected Chair Brian Teague. They are pictured with the newest members of the WCEF Board.
Left to Right: Jim Juliano, Dat Le, Brian Teague, Joe Crowley, Krista Pires, Ernie Wells

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